It’s no secret, it is expensive. Below are the discounts and savings Viking Roofer offers. Please choose the one that applies to you, complete the form, and present/enter your [code] during the final payment. Please note we also offer a lifetime of savings through our Loyalty Rebates. If you refer someone to Viking Roofing and they use our services for a completed new roof, you will receive a check from us. The amount will depend on the cost of their roof, but there is no end to this benefit.
The Berggren family has members who have served in different capacities since WWII. To honor our country’s service members, we will always offer active military and retired veterans a discount.
We appreciate that seniors are living on a fixed income and we want to honor you. With respect, we will always offer seniors a discount.
Single Parents
My father was a single parent for many years, so I understand how difficult it can be. While it may sound awkward for a roofing company to mention this issue, we will always offer a discount to single parents to help in any way we can.
Further Discounts
For those who have lost a spouse, we will always offer a special discount as a gift from us. While it may seem awkward for a roofing company to mention this serious issue, we understand how difficult it is.